Everyday I see so many OBESE adults and children and it really does break my heart...I want to reach out to them and let them know that there is a way to overcome obesity! But I don't....I don't because I have no clue how they will respond...I would not want to make anyone feel like they were inferior to me because I am in a better physical state. My biggest thing with what I see is how people seem to keep feeding the problem....more and more bad choices going into their bodies and the results are always the same...more and more health issues!
Oh wait...there is a fix for that...oh yeah...I keep forgetting...Just give me some medicine to alleviate my symptoms! That will surely make me feel better, right? Uh...maybe for a little while...and that is all it is doing...masking the real problem...making you "feel" better...until your body gets used to the drug of the day and you have to have a different one! WHY do this to yourself? I want to let people know that you can help yourself...You can change your life for the better...You can make a difference! I want to help you if you need the help. So many people have made the changes and they have reaped the rewards of a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few of the benefits of eating healthier and getting more active....
- Healthy Weight Loss
- More Energy
- Fewer Unhealthy Cravings
- Less Required Medication (the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to grasp this part...they make BILLIONS every year from our unhealthy nation!)
- Ability to enjoy things that may have been difficult before....like playing with your children or enjoying a healthy sexlife!
- A sense of Pride (This is a great thing....not boastful pride, but pride in the way you feel...God did not put us here to suffer from obesity....He put us here to enjoy the world and when you are overweight you enjoy less of what God wants for you.)
- Less Depression (statistically overweight people suffer more from depression than healthier active people)
Dallas Carter is one of the most inspirational stories I have ever seen...be sure to check out his story!
When you are ready to make some very important changes, please let me help you...I will do my best to help you reach your goals.
Contact me on Facebook, Twitter or this Blog.....
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