Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 20 P90X-Kenpo X

Another workout done!  Whew!  Week 3 is officially over for me...well it will be after tomorrow I suppose but I do plan on having a rest day tomorrow...sleeping in will be enjoyed!  :)

I stayed on track with my workouts over the weekend even though I had a very busy weekend.  Saturday I was with my daughter all day for our Girl Scout Cookie Booth Sales...we set a record for the most cookies sold by our troop! :) Saturday was my Yoga X day....I had planned on doing it first thing in the morning but time got away with me and I couldn' 8pm (a little late by my standards) I pushed play!  I was sooo sooo happy I 9:30pm...I was finishing up my Yoga X session and I felt like melting into my bed!  Slept very well I must say!  :)

Then on Sunday we decided to take the kids to see Alice in Wonderland (great movie by the way) I had to get my workout in before the movie because I knew I was going to be busy the rest of the day and that is not a workout I want to even attempt in the evening.  ;)  Plus I had to get my laundry done....lots to do!  So around 10am I pushed play on Legs & Back...I am still feeling the muscle pain today!  Nice!  After legs and back I ventured on my own with Ab Ripper X...I didn't use the video...I had written down all of the exercises earlier so I just focused on each one and I completed the 25 reps prescribed for each set...except for the ones with 24.  :)  And again I must abdominal muscles are feeling IT!  I started feeling my obliques talking to me yesterday evening...such a great feeling!  I hate to waste a workout and when I can feel it afterward I know it wasn't wasted!  

Well I gotta run and get myself ready to head out the door for work...I have to take in more cookies today...lots to do again! 

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