So...I wake up at 3:50am....need that 10 mins to prep for my Yoga X session....roll out the mat say hello to the hubby who had been doing Yoga X already. Log onto WOWY....start my session...log onto hootsuite and post my adventures for the moment...then I press main menu (hubby still had Yoga X playing), select Normal setting....gotta be able to hear Tony tell me what I am doing...he does very well with his instruction in this video. :)
So I get going and what happens while I am trying to clear my mind? The hubby wants to carry on a conversation!? Whaaaa!? So I miss a cue or two from Tony and have to do a visual check of where I am supposed to be positioned. Me not saying anything to the hubby doesn't seem to clue him in that I am trying to focus. Shortly after this he left for work...he did manage a quick goodbye kiss. :)
My adventure with Yoga X is a good least at the end of the session I can say that. I do dread it when I first get started mainly for the simple fact that I know it is 1.5 hours in length and there are umpteen million vinyasas....but when I reach the "last vinyasa" I am so so so much better! It is like an AHHHHH moment and the rest of the workout just flies by! By the end I am ready to go back to sleep! Unfortunately I had to crawl up off the floor and get ready for work....made it in a timely fashion! :)
I had to pack dry Shakeology today...put it in my shaker cup and brought it in...mixed it here. Why you may ask? Well we had a little incident with the water hose that runs from the source to the sprang a leak and flooded some of our carpeting and flooring near the hubby turned off the water source which is filtered. I won't use tap water....not by itself....has to be at least filtered. :)
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