Saturday, March 20, 2010

Recap Day 29-30 P90X

I started Phase 2 this past Wednesday. It was a much welcomed start just for the simple fact that the "recovery" week gets on my nerves a little because we aren't lifting and I love lifting...but I do know that the recovery week is critical for results because it gives the body time to recovery from the previous 3 weeks of intense lifting. So...I do it with my sights always looking ahead to results and the start of a new phase! :)

Anywho....I loved the last few days...Wednesday I had Chest Shoulders Tris and Ab Ripper X....I enjoyed both workouts immensely! I had awesome joy joy muscle pain later in the day and the next day. Plyo X was really good as well on Thursday. I didn't feel like it...but once I got started with it I really pushed hard and can tell you my legs were feeling it on Friday! Then on Friday I completed Back and Biceps and ARX (ab ripper). My abs were feeling it this week too...I have really decided to focus on making every ab routine the past I had slacked on the ab workouts because they are not my favorite because they are usually the hardest workouts. LOL But anything worth having usually isn't easy...right?

Today I have Yoga X on schedule. Now I would normally rise early and get my workout in...but I decided to do today's workout this evening....before bed. I find that Yoga X is one workout that will help me sleep a lot better! :)

I have plans to go to a wine festival today with my friend Michelle...then I may be going to a local brew pub in the evening to meet some friends and have a beer. So today will involve alcohol consumption....I do not plan on over consuming....but all great plans can crumble....Let's just hope my plan doesn't. :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The things I think about...and it burns my buns!

Is it true that people can eat unhealthy food, get the least amount of exercise possible and even sit around and complain about how they feel and think that that feeling is not directly related to the first two things!!???

Everyday I see so many OBESE adults and children and it really does break my heart...I want to reach out to them and let them know that there is a way to overcome obesity!  But I don't....I don't because I have no clue how they will respond...I would not want to make anyone feel like they were inferior to me because I am in a better physical state.  My biggest thing with what I see is how people seem to keep feeding the problem....more and more bad choices going into their bodies and the results are always the same...more and more health issues!

Oh wait...there is a fix for that...oh yeah...I keep forgetting...Just give me some medicine to alleviate my symptoms!  That will surely make me feel better, right?  Uh...maybe for a little while...and that is all it is doing...masking the real problem...making you "feel" better...until your body gets used to the drug of the day and you have to have a different one!  WHY do this to yourself?  I want to let people know that you can help yourself...You can change your life for the better...You can make a difference!  I want to help you if you need the help.  So many people have made the changes and they have reaped the rewards of a healthier lifestyle.  Here are a few of the benefits of eating healthier and getting more active....
  • Healthy Weight Loss
  • More Energy
  • Fewer Unhealthy Cravings
  • Less Required Medication (the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to grasp this part...they make BILLIONS every year from our unhealthy nation!)
  • Ability to enjoy things that may have been difficult playing with your children or enjoying a healthy sexlife!
  • A sense of Pride (This is a great thing....not boastful pride, but pride in the way you feel...God did not put us here to suffer from obesity....He put us here to enjoy the world and when you are overweight you enjoy less of what God wants for you.)
  • Less Depression (statistically overweight people suffer more from depression than healthier active people)
Please take some time to look at these videos and links....these are just a few success stories who have taken control of their health and have found that the benefits are worth the hard work! :)

Dallas Carter is one of the most inspirational stories I have ever sure to check out his story!

When you are ready to make some very important changes, please let me help you...I will do my best to help you reach your goals.
Contact me on Facebook, Twitter or this Blog.....

10 Minutes Per Day...Do You Have That Much Time?

No More Excuses!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 29 P90X-Chest, Shoulders, Triceps & Abs...

Today was the first day of Phase 2!  I was very excited to be through the "recovery" week and starting on more weight lifting stuff.  :)  I do so love to lift weights....feel the burn!  I did note that I didn't have great numbers...but considering I haven't done this workout in about 9 months I think I did fairly well.  :) Gotta leave room for improvement...don't ya think?

I am writing this a little later than usual because I wanted to see when I started to feel the pain from the workout...well I am feeling it...not real bad...but it is coming!  Right after I finished my workout this morning my upper body reminded me of jello...I had to have a half serving of recovery formula just to function properly! :)  The P90X recovery drink is some awesome stuff!

I almost "skipped" Ab Ripper X....but thought better of it and knocked it out anyways.  I really wasn't planning on skipping it...but delaying it to when I got to work.  I have shower access at work so I figured I could do it then get ready for work...we normally get to the office almost 1 hour early...but fortunately I did ARX before leaving home because we were over 30 mins later than usual due to traffic plus it wasn't as warm out as I had imagined!  LOL 

I am almost rid of all cookies....I have 2 people left that need to pickup their orders...other than those I am off duty for cookie sales! 

My weight this week was I didn't really gain...but I really didn't lose any either.  I know the cookies played a part but I have cut them off for the past few I expect to start seeing some lbs fall soon! :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dreams can come true!

Beachbody could be the answer to your financial strains

What is your dream?

Financial freedom is something we all want...make the decision for your success today!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shopping List for Healthy Eating using Michi's Ladder

So...are you one of those people who gets a bit confused when it comes to grocery shopping for healthy items?  I know of a way to help if you wanna read about it...

First of all you will want to plan your meals for the week.  I do this on the weekend and then break it down so I know what ingredients I need to purchase to keep myself on track.  I have found that if I have my healthy foods lined up it is so much easier for me to resist the poor choices that are presented to me each and every day out in the world.  Just this morning my friend on my vanpool asked me if I had a weeks worth of food in my cooler bag...LOL!  I told her no...I had 4 out of 5 of my meals in there plus my water bottle.  I eat 4 times a day in the office....I eat once a day at home (dinner).  So planning and packing ahead of time really saves me time, money and frustration.  :) is what I do....I know I have pretty much the same thing for breakfast each weekday...that consists of:
1/2 C Oats (dry measured)
1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (I use the vitamin shoppe brand that doesn't have artificial sweeteners)
Dash of Cinnamin
1 poached egg (I cut back from 2 a couple of weeks ago)

My mid-morning snack is normally Shakeology w/1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein Powder and a drop or two of Peppermint Extract or 1 TBS Natural Organic Peanut Butter.

For Lunch I will mix it up from time to time...but I tend to consistently have Raw Almonds and Organic Carrots....I will then have different cuts of lean protein like Chicken breast (3 to 6oz) or Tuna.  I have been known to have a baked Sweet Potato instead of the carrots!  :) Nice change of pace.  Feel free to throw some other healthy options in from time to time because I know how boring it can be if you have the same thing over and over for too long!  :)

My Afternoon snack usually consists of a piece of fruit and some Plain Non-Fat Yogurt with 1 TBS Agave Nectar.  And if this doesn't feel like enough I will add maybe some chunk light tuna or more lean protein like chicken or turkey. (not into the yogurt!)  LOL

Dinner can be the most difficult meal of the day for me...but if I plan it ahead and let my hubby know exactly what Protein I want then it is not bad.  Now that I am using Michi's Ladder I am finding that my Protein at dinner will more than likely be baked/broiled/grilled fish or baked/boiled boneless skinless white meat Chicken. (oddly enough...the list I am looking at right now, doesn't have chicken listed?)  I will have to dig into that later and see if they just forgot to add it.  But for the most part my dinner is a simple Protein and lots of Veggies.  :) simple grocery list consists of the following items to cover my needs for the week:

  • Shakeology (make sure I am Home Direct so I never run out!)
  • Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
  • Oatmeal (I buy Quaker Old Fashioned or quick cooking)
  • Eggs (or eggwhites if you really want to cut the cholesterol)
  • Cinnamon 
  • Peppermint Extract
  • Organic Peanut Butter
  • Organic baby Carrots (usually 1 pound works for me for a week of lunches)
  • Raw Almonds (we buy the large 2 lb bags at Costco...they last for weeks)
  • Sweet Potatoes ( a couple to 3 depending on how many times I want to have one at lunch or dinner)
  • Plain Fat Free Yogurt (I get the Dannon Naturals in the 1 lb container)
  • Organic blue Agave Nectar
  • Fresh Fruit (bananas, oranges, pears, apples)
  • Fresh Veggies ( cucumbers, green peppers, mushrooms for salads at dinner if you like)
  • Chicken breasts
  • Tuna (canned chunk light...not albacore)
  • Salmon (frozen wild caught)
  • Mahi Mahi (frozen wild caught)
  • Pork Tenderloin
  • Frozen Veggies (several varieties that the family enjoys)
I tend to only buy enough for the week...and that is simple enough to calculate based on 7 days worth of meals.  I do buy other items for my daughter's lunch....but I do encourage her to pick healthy options...sometimes it works...other times it doesn't.  I did add an app to her iPod touch that gives her healthy options for some of the foods she may be eating now.  :) As long as she uses it I think it will help her.  :)

I hope this helps anyone out there who feels overwhelmed by the thought of eating healthy and getting the shopping done to back it up.  It will be second nature once you put a plan into place and begin taking the steps needed to get it done. :)

Steps are as follows for my plan:
  1. Make a Weekly Meal Plan
  2. Create a Shopping List based on the meals needed for the week
  3. Go to the store and use the Shopping list...don't sway from it.
  4. When you get home, wash and prep your veggies and fruit so you can quickly pack them through the week.
  5. If you choose to use Shakeology in your nutrition plan be ready to blend it up in the morning and have a container to keep it in for a later snack. (I have found that the blender bottles work great!)
  6. Be sure to take your supplements each day around the same time.  I recommend taking them when you drink your Shakeology...if you aren't using Shakeology then I recommend taking them with a meal.
  7. Pack any meal you will need away from home in a cooler bag and carry it with you.  This step is critical to success...if you have what you need on hand you won't be as likely to slip up on your nutrition. :)
  8. Have plenty of filtered pure water on hand throughout the day to keep you hydrated. (we sometimes confuse dehydration with hunger)
  9. Reward yourself ONCE a week with a "Cheat Meal"...not a Cheat Day...just a Meal.  You don't have to do this...but if you feel the need to do this, you will still have great success!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 24 P90X-Kenpo X

My session with Kenpo X this morning was great!  I brought it with more intensity and I really got my core into it!  Yaay!  I felt it all over!  :)  I focused more on my kicks...tightening the glutes and abs on the back kicks and knee kicks really helps! 

I have to say...EVERYTIME I don't feel like pushing play but then turn around and push play anyways, I feel so GREAT afterwards!  Maybe it is the feeling of accomplishment...or maybe that I overcame my "lazy" factor for the day!  You know if you get your workouts in early morning...the rest of your day will be so much better...if you don't believe me, try it for 21 days and tell me what you find.  :)

This weekend promises to be a soggy one for us here in VA....I suppose it is better than 2 feet of snow like we had last month!  LOL 
My daughter's birthday is Monday and she is really looking forward to it.  I have to go shopping this weekend and pick up some things that she has "hinted" at getting....LOL!  Plus I plan on giving her some cash and letting her go on a shopping spree!  She and I will do the build a bear thing as well...she loves stuffed animals.

I am so glad it is Friday....I actually woke up this morning and it Saturday? but then reality hit and my alarm's Friday!  LOL  Well I got my day started right with a great workout...and I hope that I can inspire others to start their day off with something as positive!

Fitness is a Journey....Let's get started!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 23 P90X-Core Synergistics

Man oh Man....if there is a workout routine in P90X that I totally want to look forward to, it is Core Synergistics!  BUT I have a hard time looking forward to it...core has never been my strong point and ironically that is where I want to see the most changes!  Whoa is me...LOL!

This routine will totally work your core...from top to bottom!  I forgot that there were so many pushups involved...staggered hand/stacked feet, prison cell pushups & pushups with side balance high low stuff.  I probably forgot the others...I know there are lots of boats and bananas involved too!  Who would have put together such a routine?  Um...I think it was Tony Sawyer Horton of course!  He is the man!  :) 

This program really will put you through some tests...tests of stamina, strength and mental fortitude!  So if you think you are ready for EXTREME...get with P90X will get rewarded in many ways!

Now...I will venture off the exercise for a moment and let you know that my hubby got the water leak fixed.  There was a pinhole in the tubing that runs to the fridge.  We do have damaged flooring (we were getting rid of it anyways so I don't care) and the carpet is still drying out.  He may replace the entire tubing this weekend with copper stuff.

Our pet rats are very rambunctious...I will admit that I got my first nip tonight.  These boys have never bitten anyone and I really won't consider what happened this evening as a bite...I was attempting to put the food in the bowl and one of them smelled it in my hand and tried to get it before I let he hung on for a split second before he realized it was my hand and not his food.  Barely grazed blood so I am happy.  :)  I currently have an inquiry with someone from craigslist about a new cage for our boys...they need a bigger home...who knew we would have to keep up with the rats over at the Jones'es!  LOL

My nutrition has been not so great over the past couple days...I need to get rid of all the girl scout cookies and fast.  Alas I have people still requesting them and everyone just throws them around the office like they are nothing.  If I eat one I am a goner!  I am having trouble saying no these days....grrrrr!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 22 P90X-Yoga X....Who knew!? start this off I just wanted to say I was surprised when I logged onto and saw Yoga X as my workout for today! (I checked last night before bed so I could be mentally prepared)...well mentally prepared was not really happening...I was in shock...and disbelief!  OK...maybe not that dramatic, but I was totally expecting Core Synergistics (which isn't one of my favs either!).  Alas...I went to bed and did my best sleeping impression.  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....alarm time!
So...I wake up at 3:50am....need that 10 mins to prep for my Yoga X session....roll out the mat say hello to the hubby who had been doing Yoga X already.  Log onto WOWY....start my session...log onto hootsuite and post my adventures for the moment...then I press main menu (hubby still had Yoga X playing), select Normal setting....gotta be able to hear Tony tell me what I am doing...he does very well with his instruction in this video. :) 
So I get going and what happens while I am trying to clear my mind?  The hubby wants to carry on a conversation!?  Whaaaa!?  So I  miss a cue or two from Tony and have to do a visual check of where I am supposed to be positioned.  Me not saying anything to the hubby doesn't seem to clue him in that I am trying to focus.  Shortly after this he left for work...he did manage a quick goodbye kiss.  :)

My adventure with Yoga X is a good least at the end of the session I can say that.  I do dread it when I first get started mainly for the simple fact that I know it is 1.5 hours in length and there are umpteen million vinyasas....but when I reach the "last vinyasa" I am so so so much better!  It is like an AHHHHH moment and the rest of the workout just flies by!  By the end I am ready to go back to sleep!  Unfortunately I had to crawl up off the floor and get ready for work....made it in a timely fashion! :)

I had to pack dry Shakeology today...put it in my shaker cup and brought it in...mixed it here.  Why you may ask?  Well we had a little incident with the water hose that runs from the source to the sprang a leak and flooded some of our carpeting and flooring near the hubby turned off the water source which is filtered.  I won't use tap water....not by itself....has to be at least filtered.  :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 21 P90X-Rest or X Stretch...that is the question....

Coulda done X Stretch but chose to sleep in instead!  I felt the need for it. :)

I was pleasantly surprised last evening to find out that my daughter has sold 500 boxes of girlscout cookies!  WOW!  She is very excited about that and so am I!  But overall I have to admit...I am so ready for these cookies to disappear!

Tomorrow is the first day of my Phase 1 Recovery week...I don't look forward to it because it is truly anything but Recovery!  LOL  But I will get through it...with a smile!  ;)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 20 P90X-Kenpo X

Another workout done!  Whew!  Week 3 is officially over for me...well it will be after tomorrow I suppose but I do plan on having a rest day tomorrow...sleeping in will be enjoyed!  :)

I stayed on track with my workouts over the weekend even though I had a very busy weekend.  Saturday I was with my daughter all day for our Girl Scout Cookie Booth Sales...we set a record for the most cookies sold by our troop! :) Saturday was my Yoga X day....I had planned on doing it first thing in the morning but time got away with me and I couldn' 8pm (a little late by my standards) I pushed play!  I was sooo sooo happy I 9:30pm...I was finishing up my Yoga X session and I felt like melting into my bed!  Slept very well I must say!  :)

Then on Sunday we decided to take the kids to see Alice in Wonderland (great movie by the way) I had to get my workout in before the movie because I knew I was going to be busy the rest of the day and that is not a workout I want to even attempt in the evening.  ;)  Plus I had to get my laundry done....lots to do!  So around 10am I pushed play on Legs & Back...I am still feeling the muscle pain today!  Nice!  After legs and back I ventured on my own with Ab Ripper X...I didn't use the video...I had written down all of the exercises earlier so I just focused on each one and I completed the 25 reps prescribed for each set...except for the ones with 24.  :)  And again I must abdominal muscles are feeling IT!  I started feeling my obliques talking to me yesterday evening...such a great feeling!  I hate to waste a workout and when I can feel it afterward I know it wasn't wasted!  

Well I gotta run and get myself ready to head out the door for work...I have to take in more cookies today...lots to do again! 

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 17 P90X Shoulders & Arms with Ab Ripper X


One thing that has taken me a long time to figure out is how to breathe while working out...I have to say I have improved immensely over the past year thanks to Beachbody trainers...many times they will remind us to breathe.  Making it a habit and doing it properly is the key.  I have found that when you can do this you will have a more productive workout because you are getting the much needed oxygen into your system and you can actually feel your muscles better!

Today's workout consisted of Shoulders/Arms/Abs....the exercise rotation was shoulders, biceps, triceps...1, 2, 3 and repeat...then another set for shoulders, biceps, triceps, repeat....I believe you get it.  :)  I did up my weights on every one and my chair dips improved dramatically...week 1 I was only pushing out 23...week 2 I dropped to 21...this week...I knocked out 30 and 27!  I was surprised actually!  :)  I love it when I can see noticeable improvement in my strength.  I also increased weights like I mentioned before....all feels great!  Guess I need to get me a half serving of recovery drink before I head out!  :)

Ab Ripper X....I hate it...but I love it!
I am going to start logging my Ab workout...I am not up to a full 25 per set like Tony I need to track and see how I am really doing.  I really concentrate on form and feeling my abs doing the work is very important to me...I hate wasting a workout!  ;)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shakeology...Changing lives!

Day 16 P90X-Plyo X

I will admit it now...I DID NOT want to do this workout today!  As I write this I can tell you that I would much rather be sleeping!  But alas...I DID do this workout...and I didn't find myself slacking!  I really had to get over the mental hump this morning....and sometimes to do that you just have to DO what you don't feel like doing at the moment.  I have never regretted working out...not once, and this time was no different.  :)

I did very well with the mary katherine lunges today....last week I wasn't hopping on I did!  :) Felt great!  Then there were the swing kicks...cracked my ankle on the stool!  OUCH!  But I got through didn't do any real damage.  ;)  I still refuse to do the rockstar hops or jump knee tucks as prescribed....I modify in a major way...knee lifts with major focus on my abs for the jkt and butt kicks in place of the rockstar hops.  The jarring these two moves put on me is a bit I MODIFY! :)

Overall I believe this workout is one of the most challenging...if not the most challenging one of the P90X series....and maybe that is why I dread it.  ;)  I have decided to do the dreaded workouts even when I don't feel like excuses!  :)

I really need to monitor my nutrition this week...I am thinking I may not be eating enough!  No more Girl Scout Cookies though!

My Daily Supplements:
Activit Multivitamins (2 a day)
Core Cal-Mag (calcium/magnesium supplement w/VitD--3 per day)
Joint Support Super Formula (4 a day--still waiting for these to get to me)
Shakeology (meal replacement 1 per day)
My Daily Nutrition:
1/2 serving Results & Recovery Formula (1 scoop instead of 2)
1 banana
2 poached eggs (scratch that...ended up being 1 poached egg...the other one fell in the trash when I was draining the excess liquid)
1 small apple
Shakeology w/1 scoop Van. Whey & 1 Tbs Organic PB
4 oz curry chicken w/mushrooms, cauliflower & green peppers w/ small serving of maifun noodles
1 serving baby carrots
1 serving raw almonds
1 cup plain non fat yogurt w/1 TBS agave
1 pouch of chunk light tuna
6 oz baked chicken breast (ginger sesame...mmmmmm)
1 cup steamed veggies

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 15 P90X-Chest/Back/Ab Ripper X! Week 3 begins!

Well I was slightly disappointed this morning when I stepped on the scale. :(  Simply put I "gained" 1.5 lbs over the last week.  I will confess now...those DARNED Girl Scout Cookies did it!  LOL  As I told my husband this morning...I don't know why I even eat them...I am not enjoying them like I used to!  Maybe I think I will enjoy the next bite?  Who knows!?  
Goal for this week and beyond...AVOID any and all Girl Scout Cookies!  (I have to deliver tons of them with my daughter this week...I am plagued by the presence of these cookies...we have a booth sale this weekend!)  I will do better! 

Moving on to today's workout....
I was determined to BRING IT this morning due to the fact that I got mad at the scale number!  Well I didn't disappoint myself...I am a bit shaky while writing I know I pushed hard!  I admit that I really zipped through the workout...but that is mainly because my max reps are done long before the allowed time for each move, so I just move onto the next one.  And I took shorter breaks.  :)
I increased my reps on most moves and added more weights on the lawnmowers, heavy pants, etc....Ab Ripper X was a bit difficult because I didn't feel like I had any more fuel...but I did finish it and I was sure to watch my form over my numbers.  Right now I am not hitting 25 with each set...but I am pushing myself.

I have to admit that I truly love P90X...out of all the Beachbody workouts I have done...this one is my favorite so far!  :) ChaLEAN is a very close second!  I might do that after this round!

Equipment needed:
  • Chest & Back/Ab Ripper X
    • Dumbbells or Resistance Bands for lawnmowers, back flys, etc (amt of weight depends on your abilities)
    • Pullup Bar or Resistance Band attached to something above head
    • Mat (Ab Ripper X will put you on the may or may not need this...just depends on your preference) 
My Daily Supplements:
Activit Multivitamins (2 a day)
Core Cal-Mag (calcium/magnesium supplement w/VitD--3 per day)
Joint Support Super Formula (Should be taking, but ran out!  On order)
Shakeology (meal replacement 1 per day)

My Daily Nutrition:2 poached eggs
1 cup black coffee
1 small apple
6 oz angus roast beef
1 serving carrots
24 almonds
1 cup non fat plain yogurt w/1 tbs agave
1 serving Shakeology w/1 scoop vanilla whey & a few drops of peppermint extract
6 oz baked tilapia
1 cup steamed veggies

As promised here is my weigh-in numbers for this week's start
Week 2:  158.5 (sadly I gained quite a few lbs over the holidays :( )
Week 3:  160 (working hard this week to get this in line!)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Project: You! Type 2

Diabetes is something I am very familiar with in the sense that most of my family members have the disease. My mother who is only 62 years old has been on dialysis for several years now and she has suffered countless medical issues, all of which are related to her diabetes.

Just this past year I made the decision to donate a kidney to my mom. We are currently in the process of completing all of our medical testing so we can have the surgery. We are hoping that we can do this soon because my mom's health is not that great.

One thing that I know for sure...I will not risk my health because of careless physical habits or bad nutrition. I have made a decision to make the lifestyle change that involves more exercise and a healthy nutritious diet...something I can live with forever..not a fad that I will get tired of!

If you know someone who has Diabetes or may be Pre-Diabetic...please let them know that there is help available...I can help anyone who is willing...this awful disease can be controlled if not reversed!

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Treating diabetes
Diabetes can lead to serious complications, such as blindness, kidney damage, cardiovascular
disease, and lower-limb amputations, but people with diabetes can lower the occurrence of these and
other diabetes complications by controlling blood glucose, blood pressure, and blood lipids. 

  • Many people with type 2 diabetes can control their blood glucose by following a healthy meal plan and exercise program, losing excess weight, and taking oral medication. Some people with type 2 diabetes may also need insulin to control their blood glucose. 
  • To survive, people with type 1 diabetes must have insulin delivered by injection or a pump.
  • Among adults with diagnosed diabetes (type 1 or type 2), 14% take insulin only, 13% take both insulin and oral medication, 57% take oral medication only, and 16% do not take either insulin or oral medication. Medications for each individual with diabetes will often change during the course of the disease.
  • Many people with diabetes also need to take medications to control their cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Self-management education or training is a key step in improving health outcomes and quality of life. It focuses on self-care behaviors, such as healthy eating, being active, and monitoring blood sugar. It is a collaborative process in which diabetes educators help people with or at risk for diabetes gain the knowledge and problem-solving and coping skills needed to successfully self-manage the disease and its related conditions.

Data from the 2007 National Diabetes Fact Sheet (the most recent year for which data is available)

Total: 23.6 million children and adults in the United States—7.8% of the population—have diabetes.

Diagnosed: 17.9 million people

Undiagnosed: 5.7 million people

Pre-diabetes: 57 million people

New Cases: 1.6 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in people aged 20 years and older each year.

Total prevalence of diabetes

Under 20 years of age

* 186,300, or 0.22% of all people in this age group have diabetes
* About one in every 400 to 600 children and adolescents has type 1 diabetes
* 2 million adolescents (or 1 in 6 overweight adolescents) aged 12-19 have pre-diabetes

Age 20 years or older

* 23.5 million, or 10.7% of all people in this age group have diabetes

Age 60 years or older

* 12.2 million, or 23.1% of all people in this age group have diabetes


* 12.0 million, or 11.2% of all men aged 20 years or older have diabetes


* 11.5 million, or 10.2% of all women aged 20 years or older have diabetes

Race and ethnic differences in prevalence of diagnosed diabetes

After adjusting for population age differences, 2004-2006 national survey data for people diagnosed with diabetes, aged 20 years or older include the following prevalence by race/ethnicity:

* 6.6% of non-Hispanic whites
* 7.5% of Asian Americans
* 11.8% of non-Hispanic blacks
* 10.4% of Hispanics

Among Hispanics rates were:

* 8.2% for Cubans
* 11.9% for Mexican Americans
* 12.6% for Puerto Ricans.

Morbidity and Mortality


Diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death listed on U.S. death certificates in 2006. This ranking is based on the 72,507 death certificates in 2006 in which diabetes was listed as the underlying cause of death. According to death certificate reports, diabetes contributed to a total of 233,619 deaths in 2005, the latest year for which data on contributing causes of death are available.


Heart disease and stroke

• In 2004, heart disease was noted on 68% of diabetes-related death certificates among people aged 65 years or older. (My mother is among those still living with this issue...)
• In 2004, stroke was noted on 16% of diabetes-related death certificates among people aged 65 years or older.
• Adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates about 2 to 4 times higher than adults without diabetes.
• The risk for stroke is 2 to 4 times higher among people with diabetes.

High blood pressure

• In 2003–2004, 75% of adults with self-reported diabetes had blood pressure greater than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, or used prescription medications for hypertension. (My mother is in this group as well...)


• Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20–74 years.
• Diabetic retinopathy causes 12,000 to 24,000 new cases of blindness each year. (My mother has had several surgeries to preserve her far so good!)

Kidney disease

• Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, accounting for 44% of new cases in 2005.
• In 2005, 46,739 people with diabetes began treatment for end-stage kidney disease in the United States and Puerto Rico.
• In 2005, a total of 178,689 people with end-stage kidney disease due to diabetes were living on chronic dialysis or with a kidney transplant in the United States and Puerto Rico. ( As I mentioned earlier...My mom is right here...)

Nervous system disease (Neuropathy)

• About 60% to 70% of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nervous system damage. (Is there a need to keep mentioning how many of these things are effecting my mother?)


• More than 60% of nontraumatic lower-limb amputations occur in people with diabetes.
• In 2004, about 71,000 nontraumatic lower-limb amputations were performed in people with diabetes.

Cost of Diabetes

$174 billion: Total costs of diagnosed diabetes in the United States in 2007

* $116 billion for direct medical costs
* $58 billion for indirect costs (disability, work loss, premature mortality)

After adjusting for population age and sex differences, average medical expenditures among people with diagnosed diabetes were 2.3 times higher than what expenditures would be in the absence of diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association has created a Diabetes Cost Calculator that takes the national cost of diabetes data and provides estimates at the state and congressional district level.

Factoring in the additional costs of undiagnosed diabetes, pre-diabetes, and gestational diabetes brings the total cost of diabetes in the United States in 2007 to $218 billion.

• $18 billion for the 6.3 million people with undiagnosed diabetes
• $25 billion for the 57 million American adults with pre-diabetes
• $623 million for the 180,000 pregnancies where gestational diabetes is diagnosed

For Additional Information

These stastics and additional information can be found in the National Diabetes Fact Sheet, 2007, the most recent comprehensive assessment of the impact of diabetes in the United States, jointly produced by the CDC, NIH, ADA, and other organizations.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 13 P90X-Kenpo X

WOW!  Today was Kenpo X from my P90X program....I really was able to increase my intensity this week!  OK...what happened between last week and now?  I am not completely sure....I woke up almost dreading this workout because it has never been a favorite and I only say that because I hardly ever felt that it really worked up a cardio sweat.  WELL...apparently I was "dogging" it in the past!  I will admit it...sometimes I do dog it on my workouts....but today I completely brought it!  :)

This workout was over in no time at all even though I dreaded it....time flew by because I actually pushed myself and focused on my form and bringing everything I had to the table!  Now I won't lie...maybe those few girlscout cookies I ate yesterday made me feel guilty and I pushed harder because of that...but if that is what it takes then so be it.  (I won't be eating very many cookies though...I promise!)

My Daily Supplements:
Activit Multivitamins (2 a day)
Core Cal-Mag (calcium/magnesium supplement w/VitD--3 per day)
Joint Support Super Formula (4 a day)
Shakeology (meal replacement 1 per day)
My Daily Nutrition:
1 banana
2 poached eggs
Shakeology w/1 scoop Van. Whey & 1 Tbs Organic PB
2 oz lean deli roast beef
1 serving baby carrots
1 serving raw almonds
1 cup plain non fat yogurt w/1 TBS agave
1 small apple
1 pouch of chunk light tuna
6 oz baked chicken breast
1 cup steamed veggies

Just looking at my list I will probably need to add an item or two...I will let ya know!