Wednesday, February 8, 2012

5 Reasons You Should Take the Beachbody Challenge

I am going to do it…this time I am going to start eating better and getting more exercise. I will succeed!

Does this sound familiar? Have you said something like this and then 3 months later looked back and realized you didn’t get past day 3? Well just so you know…I believe EVERYONE has said/done the same thing. Sadly it is part of life and for many….the start never happens. The reasons for this are endless.

I am here to help you with some reasons why you should take the Beachbody Challenge…

1. It is a CHALLENGE!
  • Who doesn’t like a challenge? Participating in challenges brings excitement to the table…it brings competition and many people thrive on this.
2. Others have done it and had great success!
  • Why bother with something unless you can benefit from the activity? With the Beachbody Challenge you will be able to follow in the footsteps of many others who have succeeded in past Challenge groups. As your Coach I will be here to support and guide you throughout the challenge.
3. It builds a SOLID foundation for fitness and nutrition!
  • So many times past failure has happened because the foundation was weak. With the Beachbody Challenge you will learn how good nutrition coupled with regular exercise and support from a Team Beachbody Coach will make your foundation strong and allow you to grow in better health without the fads that leave you with no real lasting results.
4. You only have a few months before summer is here!
  • I want to be ready for bathing suit season, don’t you? If you are not very proud of your physique now….give yourself the 90 days doing the challenge to see what a difference it makes. You will be proud of your hard work and the payoff is amazing…feeling better physically and mentally!
5. You could win $100,000!
  • Yes you read it right…Beachbody is always giving away CASH prizes and this summer they are giving some lucky person a prize of $100, 000 just for sharing their Beachbody transformation.
My next Beachbody Challenge groups starts on March 5th....if you want more information on this or future Beachbody Challenge groups just comment or email me at