Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why do people not take their health more seriously?

Maybe you have seen those commercials for the latest and greatest medication...but with all of the potential side effects why would you want to use it?

I think it is sad that we have been so brainwashed into believing that drugs/medication are the future for our health and well being!  How many of you actually care or even think about the food you put into your body on a daily basis?  If I had to guess I would say the percentage of those who actually think about it is very very small. 

Think about this...if you believe that medication/drugs are your future...and those drugs/meds are ingested via your mouth (and sometimes via injection)....How in the world can you deny that the food you ingest via your mouth (never by injection) is anything but medication for the body?  If you put melted lard into your car instead of motor oil, how long before your engine seizes up?  Probably not very long, right?  Well the same thing is happening with your body but at a slower rate.  Keep feeding yourself processed non nourishing "food" and eventually you will be hanging out at the drugstore waiting on your prescriptions that will only temporarily make you feel ok.  If that is your future then get on with it....get busy making plans for a tiring, painful old age because that is what will happen.  And that old age will probably start setting in in your late 50's or early 60's. 

Oh I know...blah blah have heard it all before.  Well I just wanted to say it again. 

I am not perfect with my one I know is....but making a conscious effort to live a healthy lifestyle is what it's all about.  So please look inside yourself....take a good hard look at your lifestyle and decide what your next step will be.  Only you have the power to make a difference in your own health and wellness.

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." Ann Wigmore

Monday, July 9, 2012

Preparing for the Ultimate Reset

Focusing on healthy eating and exercise for the next couple of weeks...that is what I shall be doing.  I will be starting Beachbody's Ultimate Reset on July 25th and I feel like I need to ramp up to it.  From all that I have read and heard about this program I am very excited about starting and finishing it!

I wanted to post about it and answer a few questions...questions that I would ask someone getting ready to do the Ultimate Reset.

What makes you want to do this now?
Simple...I NEED a RESET!  Sadly I have allowed myself to get off track with my nutrition more than I care to admit.  I won't tell you about the excuses I have for this...I will just say it happens and I feel very confident that the Ultimate Reset will help me get myself back on track.

How will you eat after the Ultimate Reset is over?
Well that is still up in the air.  Personally I cannot see me giving up meat completely.  I could give up dairy without too much worry...but meat...well that is just something I will have to wait and see about.

At one time you were mostly Primal with your nutrition...what has changed?
Personally I feel that primal nutrition is a great way to go...the only problem that I think most people have with primal eating is that they do not consume enough vegetables and they think that meats and fats are A-OKay for the majority of their intake.  I know that Mark Sisson advocates eating a lot of veggies, so what I learned from him was definitely beneficial.  The proper balance of veggies with meat and fats is something that many (including myself) struggle with....not that we all admit it. 
My outlook on my nutrition is one of balance.  I know the Ultimate Reset takes you to a Vegan status in week 3....and I think it will help me understand what Vegan-ism truly is.  I will possibly be able to balance my nutrition because of it.  I am not saying I will go Vegan...I really don't see that happening.  But I will have a better relationship with veggies which will help me incorporate more of that into my daily eating.

What about exercising....won't you miss working out everyday?
I am not that addicted to exercise.  I will miss working out...but I can take a few weeks off without much mental debate...especially since I know how much my body will benefit from it!

All in all I am very excited to do the Ultimate Reset...I look forward to dropping a few pounds and gaining better mental clarity from it. 

If you are interested in the Beachbody Ultimate Reset, just click on the link and check it in the comments and let me know when you want to get started with your own Ultimate Reset.  I will be here for you!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Why are so many people excited about Body by Vi?

Maybe it is because of these awesome ingredients in their shakes that require you to drink 2 a day to loose weight...or maybe it is because the marketers with Body by Vi appear to be making a boat load of cash!?

Not sure how one decides on what they will or will not put into their body, but after reviewing this ingredient list that Visalus uses to make their cake batter like shake mixes....I think I will pass!  ( I have Shakeology which isn't even in the same category as the Visalus's kind of like comparing a Ford Escort to a Porche Panamera! )

Soy Protein Isolate,

Digestive Resistant Maltodextrin (from Fibersol™),

Whey Protein Hydrolysate

Whey Protein Concentrate

DiCalcium Phosphate,

Sunflower Oil, (see the side effects tab—pretty interesting read for pregnancy/breastfeeding/diabetes users)

Natural and Artificial Flavor, (what does this mean? Where does it come from?)

Medium Chain Triglycerides, (see side effects tab)


Gum Arabic,

Xanthan Gum,

Sodium Caseinate,

DiMagnesium Phosphate, (in laymans terms-a chemical that is manufactured)

Magnesium Oxide,

Soy Lecithin,

Mono and Diglycerides, (hydrogenated oils. Period)

Patented Protease (from Aminogen™),

DiPotassium Phosphate, (a fertilizer?!)


Ascorbic Acid, (not derived from a food, but a manufactured additive)

Vitamin E Acetate,

Chromium Amino Acid Chelate, (another warning to diabetics)

Molybdenum Amino Acid Chelate, (if it needs an MSDS, then it was produced in a lab and is not real food derived)

Selenium Amino Acid Chelate,,0.pdf?ssbinary=true (Europe says safety cannot be assessed. Enough said)

Biotin, (yes biotin is found in foods, but what is the source of THIS PARTICULAR biotin?)

Vitamin A Palimate,
(did you know that this synthetic vitamin is found in every store bought milk, including organics and including almond and coconut?!-Despite what the safety precautions say)


Potassium Iodide,

Zinc Oxide, (yumm Desitin Diaper cream)

Copper Gluconate,

Calcium Pantothenate, (not the first ingredient in this list that is found in cosmetics)


Manganese Sulfate,
(“Manganese supplements should be taken on an empty stomach and should not be combined with iron, calcium, copper or zinc”—all of which are in this ingredient list)


Pyridoxine Hydrochloride,

Thiamin Mononitrate, (synthetic vitamin b6 “you may want to seek a more natural source of thiamin”)

Riboflavin, (synthetic Vitamin B12)

Phytomenadione (synthetic vitamin K)

Folic Acid.

BOTTOM LINE: The 'nutrition' isn't coming from REAL FOOD SOURCES. It is coming from chemicals that are thrown together in a lab.

**I encourage you to utilize the internet to reserach the ingredients on your own if you like...the data on them is pretty much the same.**

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

5 Reasons You Should Take the Beachbody Challenge

I am going to do it…this time I am going to start eating better and getting more exercise. I will succeed!

Does this sound familiar? Have you said something like this and then 3 months later looked back and realized you didn’t get past day 3? Well just so you know…I believe EVERYONE has said/done the same thing. Sadly it is part of life and for many….the start never happens. The reasons for this are endless.

I am here to help you with some reasons why you should take the Beachbody Challenge…

1. It is a CHALLENGE!
  • Who doesn’t like a challenge? Participating in challenges brings excitement to the table…it brings competition and many people thrive on this.
2. Others have done it and had great success!
  • Why bother with something unless you can benefit from the activity? With the Beachbody Challenge you will be able to follow in the footsteps of many others who have succeeded in past Challenge groups. As your Coach I will be here to support and guide you throughout the challenge.
3. It builds a SOLID foundation for fitness and nutrition!
  • So many times past failure has happened because the foundation was weak. With the Beachbody Challenge you will learn how good nutrition coupled with regular exercise and support from a Team Beachbody Coach will make your foundation strong and allow you to grow in better health without the fads that leave you with no real lasting results.
4. You only have a few months before summer is here!
  • I want to be ready for bathing suit season, don’t you? If you are not very proud of your physique now….give yourself the 90 days doing the challenge to see what a difference it makes. You will be proud of your hard work and the payoff is amazing…feeling better physically and mentally!
5. You could win $100,000!
  • Yes you read it right…Beachbody is always giving away CASH prizes and this summer they are giving some lucky person a prize of $100, 000 just for sharing their Beachbody transformation.
My next Beachbody Challenge groups starts on March 5th....if you want more information on this or future Beachbody Challenge groups just comment or email me at

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To workout or not...that is sometimes the question...

...the question that pops into my head from time to time.

Yesterday evening on my way home from work my head was hurting (I took a couple advil before leaving work) and I was seriously debating on doing my workout when I got home. As you may or may not know, my husband and I have been doing P90X2 together since the start of January. We just entered phase 2 yesterday. Well my issue was the fact that my head was hurting and I was feeling a bit nauseous so a workout did not seem sensible to me.

As I arrived at my house from an hour commute I was actually feeling a little better. I guess the advil had kicked in. I told my hubby how I had felt earlier and told him that I had thought about skipping the evening workout and doing it in the morning. He really didn't give me an opinion...he would encourage me to do whatever I felt best with. Well I decided to eat a little something so I fixed me a couple of eggs with salsa and ate that...felt even better. We pushed play around 7pm and during the warmup I was getting those sharp pains in my head that reminded me of my headache. At this point the headache was pretty much gone except for those little pains here and there.

We pushed on...I kept going and breathing through each the end of the workout I felt great! :) My head was completely better and my body just felt better.

In general I have found that if I just feel a little off kilter or a little moody then a workout fixes me right up. If I am suffering from a more severe issue like upper chest congestion then I would definitely skip the workout. Everyone has to figure out what is best for them and the way I figure it is like this...If I push play and do a half-ass workout then I did better than doing nothing at all. If I push play and find that I do a great workout then I am that much better off for doing it and it makes me feel great!

So to wrap it all up...EXERCISE will make you feel better!

Monday, January 30, 2012

When the hugs make you feel great...

This past weekend my hubby and I went up to Philly for a Beachbody Game Plan training event. Great stuff!

While we were there we decided to take in some of the City...we visited a place called Jim's Steaks on South Street. Fortunately we were able to be in line long enough to see how the ordering process worked...and I still goofed it up! LOL What we think of as a Philly Steak n Cheese is actually a Cheesesteak Hoagie. So I ordered mayo, lettuce, tomato with american cheese...YUMMY! I will say that those guys working there were not very friendly...and they had just opened at 11am, so I wouldn't think that they would have had time to get annoyed with customers yet. Oops! I was wrong! (or maybe they wake up like that?) One other thing I noticed...they don't serve much else besides sub fries or other sides that I could see.

I thoroughly enjoyed the hoagie...My husband wasn't as happy with it but he is very picky.

We walked all over center city...from Market Street down to South Street and over to Penn Landing. I will tell you this hip joints were aching because we walked so much!

We finally found the Liberty Bell! We would have been much better off if we had asked someone where it was...but we figured our stupid smart phone would tell us. Well the stupid smart phone had us completely out of center city and into a whole other section of Philly...yeah we walked there and before we realized we were no where near the Liberty Bell it was just to late! LOL We chalked it up to more exercise! The funniest part is that when we found the Liberty Bell location we realized that we had been only 1.5 blocks from it the night before as we were walking back to our hotel from South Street! HAHAHA! Live and learn I guess!

My overall feeling about Philly is that the people there aren't overly friendly...not sure about the whole brotherly love thing...but no one caused us any harm so we are good with that. :) We also felt like we knew the city much better as far as where things are located when we were leaving. Our next visit there should be even better!

Now we fast forward to the hug...yeah I really should get to that part, huh? Ok...I will...
After we drove back to Fredericksburg, I decided to go to our year end Black and Gold party at a local bar/restaurant so I could partake of some great door prizes. Won a really neat Steelers windbreaker! SWEET! Once halftime and prize distribution rolled around we all pretty much cleared the place. When I arrived home I was greeted by the arms of my youngest child. She is 12 years old and was just in a hugging kind of mood. Those are the things that make me feel GREAT! Hugs from my children...I can't get enough of them!

The weekend was fun...but the end of it was the best...Hugs are great!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Difference

You know it is really amazing what a good workout and a goods night sleep can do for you! Yesterday evening I was feeling not so myself...kind of down and I really did not feel like exercising when I got home last night. I will say that the commute home was actually very good compared to most days...I didn't have to do the stop and go thing all the way home! YAY!

My hubby and I both did not feel like pushing play on our dvd player last night...the idea of doing P90X2 Plyocide was something we both dreaded. would have been easy to just sit on our duff and watch a movie or something...but we both decided to log into WOWY and push play on the DVD player...and you know what? We both felt amazing afterward! I mean it was a totally different feeling than before we started...I felt happier and energetic...not energetic enough to miss out on going to bed at a reasonable hour! LOL

This morning I woke up feeling good...I felt good that I did my workout...I felt good that I went to sleep at a reasonable hour.

The difference a good workout and a good nights sleep can make are extremely amazing! I highly recommend it to EVERYONE!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Emotionally draining...

Sometimes I think I have to go through my own form of depression to get to my normal feeling again. These past few days seem to be my down days for the time being. I have been feeling kind of out of it over the past few days...and I think I kind of know why.

If you will allow me to share then here I go...

My Mom had two of her toes amputated on Monday (we knew it was going to happen for several weeks). While we were with her in the hospital waiting for her Operating Room to be made available we were talking...I say we meaning my Mom, Sister and Brother. Well as we were sitting there talking my Mom brought up something about our family not seeing each other enough. My sister says that she is a loner...doesn't need to see the family that much. I kind of feel that way too...but after thinking about it for a while, I have to admit that when I am with my brothers, sister and mom I like it a lot! We usually have a fun time and of course since we are grown we don't carry on like kids with fighting and bickering any more. :) My mom can bring things down with her negativity...which she recognizes and asks God to overlook that about her. At least that is what she told me this morning while I was talking to her on the phone. For the most part I think about all the fun times we have had when we all get together a few times throughout the year and think...we should do this more often. Heck...Why Not? My Mom made a good point...isn't that what Mothers tend to do? :)

I feel bad for my Mom right now...she is in the hospital which is a good drive down the road so we won't be able to visit her like she was right here in town. She loves company...and she doesn't have any right now. :-( She is going to need lots of care when she does come home from the hospital because she will be confined to a wheelchair. If you know my mom...she doesn't like to be confined...Thank goodness she wasn't a criminal! haha!

As this day progresses I haven't been my most cheerful self...I need a day or so to take in and digest what is going on and accept the fact that I can't fix things for my Mom. But I can take some initiative and try to encourage my family to come together more often. Once a week would be great! :) you are reading this...what do you think? Let's make it happen!