Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To workout or not...that is sometimes the question...

...the question that pops into my head from time to time.

Yesterday evening on my way home from work my head was hurting (I took a couple advil before leaving work) and I was seriously debating on doing my workout when I got home. As you may or may not know, my husband and I have been doing P90X2 together since the start of January. We just entered phase 2 yesterday. Well my issue was the fact that my head was hurting and I was feeling a bit nauseous so a workout did not seem sensible to me.

As I arrived at my house from an hour commute I was actually feeling a little better. I guess the advil had kicked in. I told my hubby how I had felt earlier and told him that I had thought about skipping the evening workout and doing it in the morning. He really didn't give me an opinion...he would encourage me to do whatever I felt best with. Well I decided to eat a little something so I fixed me a couple of eggs with salsa and ate that...felt even better. We pushed play around 7pm and during the warmup I was getting those sharp pains in my head that reminded me of my headache. At this point the headache was pretty much gone except for those little pains here and there.

We pushed on...I kept going and breathing through each move...by the end of the workout I felt great! :) My head was completely better and my body just felt better.

In general I have found that if I just feel a little off kilter or a little moody then a workout fixes me right up. If I am suffering from a more severe issue like upper chest congestion then I would definitely skip the workout. Everyone has to figure out what is best for them and the way I figure it is like this...If I push play and do a half-ass workout then I did better than doing nothing at all. If I push play and find that I do a great workout then I am that much better off for doing it and it makes me feel great!

So to wrap it all up...EXERCISE people...it will make you feel better!

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