Thursday, July 29, 2010

Should I be concerned?

My lovely scar...they say it will shrink over time.
Yesterday I had my 2 week post op a call today saying that all appears fine with my blood work.  My biggest concern is the information I was given about potential hernia issues after this type of surgery.  I can't say I knew this was something that could happen, but I was reassured that while it can happen, it doesn't often occur. lopsided look may be here a while and I will definitely want to not over do it as far as my mid section is concerned.  I fear this will cause me to be overly cautious with my physical activity which may slow my recovery down.  Only time will tell.  At least my weight has maintained.  :)

Today when I spoke with the nurse she told me that I may want to wrap my abdomen if I feel uncomfortable about it.  I will definitely keep this in mind once I start my regular workout routine again.  Depending on how my swelling is when that time comes will determine if I do this wrap or not.

I was also told that the swelling would be the last thing to go away...the pain would be the first which makes me happy, but having the swelling makes me worry just a little.  I suppose it is because I didn't really know what to expect with this type of thing after the surgery.  I will just keep myself in check for a while...albeit difficult to not be working out like I am use will give me something to look forward to in September!

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