Friday, April 16, 2010

P90X....Start of Phase 3 and Continuation of Primal Nutrition

Well...I have to say I am so pleased with my Primal way of eating...I mean what more could I ask for?  I eat many foods that I love...I have doubled my fat intake and I am still losing pounds and inches!  I just finished the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson....Very good read and so educational...I highly recommend this book to anyone who is willing to step outside of the box a little and pay close attention to the points made within this book.

Now onto my P90X Phase 3 stuff....Yesterday was the first day of Phase 3 for should have been Wednesday according to my well planned schedule but I did the no no thing on Tuesday evening by staying up late watching a waking up at 4am and working out just wasn't a productive thing to I rested and made sure to get to bed by 9pm the next night.  Worked beautifully...I awoke at 4am on Thursday feeling refreshed and ready for Chest & Back....I was actually amazed that my pushup numbers climbed way up!  And I forgot to mention that my "Recover" week was actually one of leisure...I played more with my grandson and did more house/yard work....did not push play once that week for the recovery workouts.  But I felt great and I was still losing weight!  :)
So this morning I wanted to hit PlyoX with the learned stuff from the Primal Blueprint...I didn't want to over exert myself by pushing my heart rate through the roof which is what normally happens with Plyo I strapped on my HR monitor and calculated my 75% of max HR....I did my best to stay within that range for the entire was actually very difficult to stay that low (my HR for that % is right around 132).  But I was able to do it for the most part and naturally I didn't feel burnt out body is utilizing my fat and not glucose for recovery which is what we really need.  :)

I am going to continue with my Primal changes and this weekend I will be visiting a local farm where I will be purchasing several different meats that are from grass fed non-hormone/antibiotic treated animals!  So excited that I found this local place!  woohoo!

I also found this amazing bit of information for anyone interested in looking at covers the differences between GRAIN Fed meats and GRASS Fed meats....I will choose grass fed from now on as long as I can afford it.


  1. GREAT post Cindy! I'm reading "The Primal Blueprint" as well. Just started it actually and on Monday I'll start Phase 3 of P90X too. Look forward to your posts!

  2. And btw you're freaking me out with the grandson comment. We're the SAME age.


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