Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Phase 2 of P90X today!

Here I am...week 5 of my 3rd round of P90X!  I was a little anxious to get this workout started didn't rush through my pre-workout was way too hot for that! LOL

Pushing play always makes me feel better about myself.  I think it has something to do with the little things that have built up over the past couple years...I have seen how doing something consistently can payoff big in the end. (well...not the end because there isn't really one of those)  My philosophy has changed from a few years ago....doing my thing (Beachbody) and getting what I want for my health and wellness!

How many of my friends out there would like to know how to get into the best shape of their lives?  I am not talking about hitting the gym for a few weeks and then whining and complaining about the aching and effort you have to put into it....I am talking about taking the small steps on a daily basis....hitting your workout routine the best you can each day....eating the best you can each day....always trying to improve upon the day before.  With small can reach your goals.

All to often our world is rush rush hurry hurry...well I am here to tell you...your fat belly will not be the first thing to go away when you get started...your flabby arms will not seem any more tone tomorrow....but if you are consistent and keep at WILL see progress and be able to look back and say...I have been to the low point....and here I am on top of the mountain...with my flat belly and my lean tone arms!  WOOHOO!

When you are tired of being will do can and will do what it takes.  If you are confused about those steps then reach out for support and help through a friend or mentor...I am always here for all of my just gotta ask.

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