Monday, March 21, 2011

Lost it for a minute...

Late last year I decided to put my nose to the grindstone and push through until my plan was to be in the best shape of my life by my Birthday.  Did I do it?  Well some would say "you sure did...look at are slim and trim and dedicated to your fitness!"  But then in my mind I would have to throw up some questions to

Did you stick to your scheduled workout plan? 
Not exactly...those "recovery" weeks with the P90X plan really do require so much more from me...they take away weight lifting and mix in more cardio.  And did I mention I don't get overly excited about the cardio stuff?  Well for the most part I was on track with the program schedule...but I would "slack off" during my recovery weeks.

Did you adhere to the nutrition plan?
Um...but there were the holidays to contend with!  Oh...yeah...that one threw me off a bit.  My nutrition was not up to par for the whole 90 days therefore I was left feeling like I did not really do my best.

With this being said I rolled into my 40th year in very good shape....but I honestly am not sure I can say the best shape of my life. 

Since my Birthday celebrations...I tend to over-celebrate for my Birthdays...I have put on a few pounds...and it went straight to my waist line!  Ughhh.  Most people don't seem to notice or they are just being nice and not saying anything...LOL!  It really doesn't matter because I know the truth....I need to lose about 10-15 lbs!

Putting this out here for you all to ponder upon is somewhat of a challenge for me.  One thing I will clue you in on with me...when I get quiet on facebook, twitter and my blog...that is usually when I am not living up to the standards that I have set for myself.  I know these standards are not too high as some would try to make me believe.  I mean come healthy everyday with 1 cheat meal each week mixed in so I don't go crazy....exercise 5-6 days per week and do my best to help others achieve success with their fitness goals.  These things are not that difficult...I have been pretty good with these things for a long time....but I do have my down times and I feel the need to share this with you all today.

For now...starting today...I am doing my best to pick myself up and dust myself off...I will be logging my food into so that I will not be so easily tempted by the other things that are around my office to snack on.  If I have a plan I can usually stick to it...part of my problem was I wasn't planning my nutrition and would end up eating whatever was in front of me.  Bad Cindy...Bad Cindy!
Secondly I will recommit to 6 days of regular exercise with RevAbs and I may mix in some C25K runs if my foot allows me to.
I will also continue to support my friends who are counting on me for the extra motivation they may need from time to time to make the right choices for their nutrition and exercise.

Getting back into the groove is not just takes some focus and effort...both of which I have now!

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is it time to begin your journey?

This opportunity has been a blessing to me and my family. I want to share it with everyone so that they too can reap the benefits from it.